Monday, December 8, 2014

FREE Container of Baby Wipes! **Stock Up***

FREE Baby Wipes!!!

Looking to stock up on baby wipes? Walgreen's is running a special that requires NO Coupons. That's right, NO Coupons. Funny the first post for "The Crazy Coupon" actually doesn't even require a coupon but the deal is too good not to share! Here's how it works...

Walgreen's brand "Well Beginnings Baby Wipes" are currently BOGO and you also recieve 1,000 points ($1 per pack of wipes). These two specials combined together will make your wipes free or very very low cost (depends on the area). Here is the breakdown for my area. Price may differ but will still be a huge savings.

Regular price : $2.99 or 2/$5
On sale : $1.99 a container
BOGO = 2 containers for $1.99
Each container earns 1,000 points ($1)
Since you bought two, you will get $2 in Rewards Points

Final Cost =$ FREE

***The $2 in Rewards Points can be used on your next purchase. Please keep in mind, Walgreen's will not allow you to spend the Reward Points to receive more Reward Points. You can use it towards another purchase. Example: I am going to wait for a sale on diapers, use coupons to knock the price down and then use my Reward Points to take even more off. Remember, the points are money and if you plan smart, you will save big!***

Offer valid December 7th through December 13th

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